Influencing Skills Assessmsent | Business Results, LLC
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Influencing Assessments

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Influencing Assessments

Know your strengths. Find your opportunities.


The ability to influence others both within an organization and externally is an essential business skill at all levels and roles. Successfully articulating ideas, creating clear and compelling plans, gaining “buy-in” on a proposed strategy, and building consensus requires knowing and using a proven set of influence practices. Quantify and improve your team’s skills in this area using PI® Worldwide’s Influencing Skills system.


MEASURE YOUR SKILLS: Influencing Skills Assessment Tool™ (ISAT)


Skills Assessment Tool™ (ISAT) Applicable for managers and individual contributors at all levels, the Influence Skills Assessment Tool™ (ISAT) is the foundation of the Influencing Skills system and provides scientific data to help you leverage and improve your team’s ability to confidently present ideas, projects and solutions to others and influence their acceptance.


The ISAT measures the five key areas of influence:


  • Building trust and credibility
  • Understanding the situation and specific needs
  • Presenting ideas and articulating their value
  • Handling objections and gaining agreement
  • Creating long-term relationships with effective positioning

The ISAT provides reporting on an individual, group, and company level giving leaders a clear understanding and analysis of the strengths and opportunities within the organization.

Learn how to leverage and improve your team’s abilities. Contact Business Results today to schedule an influencing skills assessment.