Business Results LLC | Management Training Workshops
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Leadership Workshops

Business Results, LLC Workshops

Business Results, LLC offers an advanced curriculum of instructor-led management training workshops that ensure the PI® Methodology is integrated deep into the cultural fabric of your organization.

Professional Series

What Drives People?

PI® Fundamentals

For All Levels | Half Day

This is an introductory crash-course in all things PI®, with the essentials to get your team started. Decode employee drives, understand their motivating needs, and consider how these play out in the workplace.

Managing People to

For Managers | Full Day

This workshop shows you how to better manage your team members by realizing a path toward clear communication and understanding how to play into each of their core strengths to drive crazy performance.

Becoming a PI® Practitioner

Future PI® Practitioners | Two Day

This workshop brings you through our entire methodology. Learn how to unlock the true power of PI® and serve as the resident PI® advisor and advocate for your organization. At least one employee within your organization will attend this workshop in order to become a PI® client.

Attracting and Selecting Top Performers

For HR Professionals | Full Day

This workshop brings you through the steps necessary to define and artfully craft a job description, how to attract the best-fitting candidates, and how to select and hire the the ideal candidate.

Selling Series

Customer Focused Selling

For Sales | Half Day

Learn a proven method for assessing the needs of prospects and clients, articulating your message in the best ways, dealing with concerns or resistance, and gaining agreement.

Influencing for Results

For Influencers | Half Day

Instead of focusing on selling products and services to external customers, the IFR course focuses on applying a consultative process of “selling your ideas” to internal and external parties

To learn more about our workshops, contact us today!